i led del signal, diventano automaticamente "led di debug" nel momento in cui la CPE ha un difetto o un problema o genera un errore che riesce in qualche modo ad auto diagnosticarsi; una volta c' era una bellissima paginetta sul forum ufficiale di UBNT con il significato della diagnostica, ma al momento non la trovo +
Qui cmq uno spezzone riferito ai prodotti Airmax ( quindi anche la Pico ):
Alternating LEDs (1 and 3 of the signal strength alternating with 2 and 4)
Ubiquiti's documentation says this is caused by about any sort of hardware failure, that does seem to be the case. Sometimes it is the CAT5 cable's fault. Sometimes the POE injector, etc.
Flashing Signal LEDs (1 - 4 of the signal flash)
With the latest AirOS, this seems to indicate that the SSID matches but the security key does not. Interestingly, this does not seem to apply to the older PicoStations (Picostation HPs with version 3 or 4 AirOS). Not sure if that is a hardware model change or a firmware change.
All LEDs flash on and off (all 6 LEDs flash simultaneously)
I only saw this once. The picostation was working intermittently. I did a site survey and found out that there were 22 APs on the same channel!!! Switched channel and LEDs returned to normal.
Link LED blinks
The <-> seems to only flash when it is trying to grab a DHCP IP address. It does not seem to indicate activity ever. Is that correct? Does this LED indicate link to a POE or Ethernet? Did that ever change (seems like it has)
--- Non è cmq ufficiale e completo ---
Trovo invece ad esempio la guida ufficiale di UNFI = ... i-Devices-La logica cmq è la medesima...credo che in sintesi cmq sia guasta e debba essere sostituita.
Se per caso devi acquistare, valuta per favore anche il ns shop:
Negozio UBNT On LineServizio, Assistenza e Supporto oltre che movimentazione merce ...