AirOS V5.2.1-Beta3 Released

Prodotti basatati su AirMax, AirOS V e sulla piattaforma M (MIMO)

AirOS V5.2.1-Beta3 Released

Messaggiodi admin » 22 luglio 2010, 8:53

Rilasciata la beta della versione 5.2.1 di AirOS... ecco il changlog:

v5.2.1-Beta3 release on July 15, 2010:

- Major: Station stays connected to AP, but no wireless traffic is available
- Major: Multicast traffic improvements
- Minor: PowerAP N WLAN LED is not shining when RSSI level is less than 30

- GUI: Speed tests doesn't work if HTTPS port has been changed
- GUI: When disabling scan list, previously selected channels are unchecked
- GUI: new Chrome-BETA conflicts with Web UI validation framework
- GUI: Fixed rates uses SGI(400ns) rate table
- GUI: Read only user can access device configuration file
- GUI: Option to disable reset button. Prevents from accidental configuration reset to factory defaults
- GUI: Sometimes Station list is empty

Questa versione è sconsigliata per link a lunga distanza che utilizzano il NO ACK

Known issues:

21/07/10 - AirMax PtP NO ACK has been affected by some changes in beta3 release. If you have long distance links and are required to use No ACK option, then don't upgrade your devices to this beta version as it may broke your PtP link operation.

Il firmware è disponibile qui.
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Iscritto il: 12 marzo 2009, 11:16

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